Skills & Knowledge

We have the skills to help you resolve any tax issues you might have. Our experienced staff will analyze data; ensure compliance with applicable standards, rules, and regulations.

Tax Saving Advice

When your business is small, you know every aspect of the business, but as your business grows, you can lose control and that’s when you need a knowledgeable accounting firm to take hold of the reins and steer you in the right direction.


To reach the top and to be prosperous requires planning and forethought, that’s what we offer our clients. We have the expertise and the knowledge to offer safe and secure means of planning for your business future.

If you’re in need of timely tax or accounting services, please give us a call. It would be our pleasure to apply our 18 years of experience to your specific situation. At KMM Tax & Accounting Services, we specialize in financial consulting for Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, sole proprietors and individuals.

Superfast Paperless Tax Preparation System! Scan and send your tax docs to us and we will prepare and e-file your returns for a fast refund!

Click here for a free tax organizer!


Committed to your Success!

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